

残疾人士无障碍服务 is moving to a new accommodation softw是 that will better serve the needs of our students and community. This is exciting news; however, 这意味着当新系统上线时,当前系统正在离线. 在7月1日之前,DAS将无法接受住宿请求. 如果您有任何问题,请直接与DAS联系: (电子邮件保护)


康考迪亚大学的学术住宿 :

  • 每学期通过DAS协调员的电子邮件与教师沟通
  • 学生每学期要求
  • 意思是“公平竞争”
  • 根据具体情况批准

康考迪亚大学的学术住宿 :

  • 追溯
  • Intended to reduce academic requirements or fundamentally alter the nature or objective of a course


This list is not exhaustive, but rather a glossary of the most commonly approved accommodations. 每个住宿都是根据具体情况批准的.


  • 学生有2天的主要课程作业延期(3页以上). 这个扩展也适用于后期工作政策和最后的课程作业. 执行:学生应通知教授作业将会迟交. If the student or professor feel that the accommodations 不 providing adequate access, then the student or professor should contact the 残疾人士无障碍服务 Coordinator to allow for the discussion and consideration of the additional accommodations.


  • 学生可能要求提供另一种格式(电子)的教科书, audio, 大的打印, 盲文). Student must request alt-texts from DAS before every course and have proof of purchase for textbook requests: www.崔.edu/alt-text. 学生应尽可能提前提交申请. 取决于教材和格式类型, 可能要过几周才能找到一本通俗易懂的教科书.


  • 不同视野的学生, 学习, 身体残疾可能需要无障碍格式的课程材料. 扫描的pdf文件和纸质讲义是可能无法访问的材料的例子. 如果材料需要转换, 导师需要至少提前一周将课程资料提供给DAS.


  • Students attending class on campus should request accessible furniture from DAS a week in advance of courses starting. First time requests may take a couple of weeks to implement, depending on current inventory.


  • 残障人士无障碍服务鼓励学生养成良好的时间管理习惯. 像这样, students may need 1-2 weeks advance notice on assignments so that assignments can be completed on time.


  • The number of allowable absences/extensions depends on the interactive or participatory nature of a course, 或者是基于部门的, 大学或认证机构的规定. 我们希望并鼓励学生定期上课, 以及按时提交工作, 教师有权制定出勤和迟到政策. 然而, the student's medical condition may occasionally impact the student's ability to attend/complete assignments. PROCESS: the student and instructor can complete the Attendance Consideration form together. Student should initiate contact unless they specifically request 残疾人士无障碍服务 to do so for each course. 如果没有设置考勤计划, 老师可能会认为学生在课堂上没有使用这个宿舍. There can be a point at which disability-related absences cannot be reasonably accommodated.
  • 灵活的出勤/作业截止日期表 


  • Students may need a computer for essay exams to help with legibility and fatigue prevention.


  • 由于各种原因,学生可能无法口头表达. The professor will decide the alternative method the student can use to meet oral communication requirements. 当需要课堂参与时, 教授可能会要求学生写一篇文章来代替课堂上的发言, or to send e-mails to the professor after each class period summarizing what they have learned.


  • 请注意, 这种住宿是根据具体情况提供的, 它并没有涵盖所有的作业, 也不应该因为拖延或缺乏计划而给予它. 延期的时间长短将由教授决定.
  • PROCESS: the student and instructor (and DAS upon request) should determine ahead of time (1) how many assignments can be submitted late and (2) how the student should notify the instructor. 对执行的关注应该指向DAS.
  • 准则1:DAS促进积极的时间和项目管理技能, 以及有效的决策. Students must factor in the reality of their own personal situations and use time effectively to complete assignments. Adequate work should be done prior to the deadline in order to avoid needing an extension.
  • 指导原则2:作业不能随时提交. 学生必须在学期结束前完成所有作业.


  • Students should always adhere to 欧文康考迪亚大学’s classroom conduct expectations, 但有时, 学生在课堂上可能难以保持镇静. 这绝不是他们对这门课的感受. 学生们可能需要走出教室几分钟来重新控制情绪.


  • 延长考试和测验的时间是最常见的住宿方式. 一般来说,学生得到1分.5倍的延长时间作为住宿. 如果考试是1小时,学生就有90分钟. 偶尔,学生可能会被批准双倍的时间.
  • 学生需要在考试前至少3个工作日与老师沟通, 如果教授不能监考, 那么学生就需要联系DAS来获得监考服务. DAS还需要提前3个工作日通知. 测试应该在上课的同一天和大致的时间进行.
  • NOTE: If a professor believes that the extended time fundamentally alters the test’s objectives, 他们应该联系DAS.


  • 学生被允许在一个测试环境中参加考试,干扰最小. This accommodation may be provided in a space separate from the classroom: the professor's office, 学习的房间, 或DAS测试中心预约.


  • 不能写或看考试的学生可以使用抄写员或阅卷员. 学生必须至少提前5天申请抄写员和/或阅读者.


  • 考试时可以使用四功能计算器.


  • 在空间允许的情况下,讲课或演讲时请面向学生. 
  • 对所有学生来说,一个很好的练习是在大的小组中重复这个问题.


  • A student may need access to the first week’s assignments in order to complete them on time.


  • 学生可能需要在课堂上吃东西或喝水, 或者如果教室环境(例如:科学实验室)不允许吃东西,可以走出去.


  • 学生可能需要住宿才能住在校园里. DAS与RES合作实施住房设施.


  • 教师应学生要求澄清口头或书面信息. The student will contact the professor for clarification after class if the professor is available or during instructor office hours or via e-mail.


  • Physical activities for health and wellness classes may need to be modified so that activities 是 accessible for students.


  • 如果一个学生不能做笔记,同伴的笔记员将为学生做笔记. 如果上课需要记笔记,DAS会联系教授. 当没有笔记员的时候, 录音讲座和/或教授笔记将作为替代住宿.


  • 学生可能需要独立学习而不是小组项目. Professor should give consideration for students opting-out of group projects if it is not a required element.


  • 学生需要PCA的服务,该PCA可能出现在课堂上,也可能不出现在课堂上. pca是学术、学习和生活环境的非积极参与者. 学生必须确定PCA将参加的课程.


  • When appropriate, a student will be permitted to use a laptop in class for notetaking purposes.


  • 如有需要,学生可以暂时离开教室休息. 这并不是经常迟到或早退的借口.


  • Preferential seating means that a student is seated in a location that is most beneficial for 学习 in the classroom, 让学生看到, 听到, 注意, 或者以与同龄人相同的方式参加活动. 如有需要,可张贴座位布告以预留学生座位.


  • 学生可获准录下课堂讲课内容以作个人学习之用. 学生在录音前应通知指导老师. 根据加州法律, the instructor should then notify the class (verbally or via ADA syllabus statement) that conversations 是 being recorded. The student may not disseminate recorded lectures and must delete the recorded materials in any and all formats within in ten calendar days from the completion of the term for the course.


  • A service animal is either a dog or a miniature pony that has been trained to perform a specific task for a student with a physical or psychiatric disability. Service animals 是 working animals and must be under the control of their handler at all times. 服务性动物受《菲律宾十大网赌网站》保护, 这使得它们与情感支持动物截然不同.


  • 聋哑学生 or 听力障碍 may request a Sign Language Interpreter for classroom lectures and related activities. DAS coordinates interpreters needed for academic activities; DAS can also partner with other campus organizations to coordinate ASL interpreters for non-academic activities.


  • 学生可能会受到短期伤害, 比如脑震荡, 这需要临时修改考勤. 这样的修改很少超过一周, 学生负责协调化妆工作.


  • 学生将使用通过Zoom自动生成的字幕, 或者通过互联网找到一名字幕师,他将抄写课堂教学内容, 讲座和实时对话.


  • 聋哑学生, 听力障碍, or have specific 学习 disabilities may need transcripts or closed captions for class media. 如果媒体没有标题,请提前2周与DAS联系. 请记住,可访问的媒体通常可以在互联网上找到.
  • 如果相关,请参阅此 快速指南使Zoom内容可访问.